The only thing that I call a real fortune is not hitting the jackpot but the pleasure that comes from loving others and being loved. I love my husband, my children, my family, my friends, my dog and even my neighbors without expecting much in return.
Scientists have long been keen to prove that love makes us healthier. Many studies have proven that women who have healthy loving relationships tend to live longer.
I personally have a great relationship with my husband, after a stressful day there is nothing better for me than seeing him coming home. It produces in me the greatest sensation of comfort. I feel relief and happiness when I see him, at the same time I feel like my blood pressure has changed dramatically. I also noticed that when I hold my partner’s hand I feel a tremendous sense of calmness. I feel safe all of my pent up anxieties and fears quickly melt away.
I am fascinated by a recent study from the University of Carolina that shows hugging others daily and other physical expressions of caring not only improves a person’s   mental health it also provides significant health benefits and extends your life span.
Experts point that sex is just one of many ways to express your love. The sense of being physically united to another human is only one aspect of the sexual connection.  When you are connected to others not only physically but also spiritually it can help you overcome many of the bad times in your life.  My favorite time of the day is coming from work and being able to communicate with my partner and sit together to exchange our experiences of the day
It is even more important to be able to maintain a steady, long lasting and strong bond between two partners than it is to just have great sex. A relationship based on sex only can never be durable in the long run.
Experts are quick to point out that sex is only one aspect of a physical connection and not nearly as powerful as the real magic in a relationship: the bonding of two people. That sense of being united, even during bad times, is a trait that Brian Baker, a psychiatrist at the University of Toronto, calls cohesion. And his research has found that it’s more important to both a person’s health and happiness than a good sex life. They point that sex is only one form of expression of love. Sex is only one aspect of this important connection between two partners. The sense of being united and being able to depend on your partner during the bad times of our life is what really counts.
Longevity is definitely associated with having a supportive and healthy relationship. If you are in a healthy relationship, the supportive part is crucial and alters the brain in a very significant way. A happy marriage relieves stress and has a positive effect on other neural functions.
To love someone is a great feeling, but to love someone and feel loved in return is an even greater feeling. To love someone unconditionally without expecting much in return is the best of the feelings.
Copyright by:  Yilva Kalmanson
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During the 19th century, decorative masks often were worn by guests attending parties hosted by aristocrats.  Non-aristocrats would use the disguise to cover up a suspicious activity. At those masked balls people could say what they wanted without the fear of being identified by other member of the community.
Masks are a powerful form of disguise, it is something that can be used to conceal the real identity of the person. Probably the most difficult thing in the world is to show others who we really are. I do not even think most of us know who we really are because we are so used to wearing social masks for most of our lives. The problem is that when the time comes that you want to reveal your true self to another we cannot remember how to remove the mask. We have become the mask.
Today, masks are used to represent our roles in society. The game always is between appearance and reality and the endless round of masking and unmasking when we get home. When we are in public we wear our “social masks” permitting us to present different versions of ourselves to other people. Depending on the situation, we have different ways of presenting ourselves at work and in public than we do when we are alone. Some of us like to play the role of the “successful businessman,” others the “clever one,” or the “sexy girl,” the “good mother,” the “playboy” and many others. It all depends of what we want people to believe we are, not necessarily who we really are.
Masks also allow us to feel “safe” and block others from discovering our raw or true nature.  Even if normalcy does not exist in our lives, we like to wear a mask of normalcy so that we can project an illusion of wellbeing and hide all our fears and defects.
The key to true happiness is to accept who we really are without thinking about who we are not and what is lacking in our lives. That is why people who live in societies that lack an abundance of material things feel more content with themselves and what they do have because they don’t feel the need to pretend to be better then others. They do not need to use social masks because they are satisfied with what they have and are comfortable living in their own skin – unlike most of us.
The best of all the roles I have found in life is being myself. It allows me to stop thinking about who I “should” be and allows me to begin a new journey of helping others because I want to, not because I want to show others my “good citizen” mask. The meaning of life started for me when I stopped thinking about what others think of me and began a whole new way of thinking about the well being of others.
Acknowledging who we really are is the only way to achieve reality in life.
Yilva Kalmanson
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El espejo ya no es tu mejor amigo

El espejo ya no es tu mejor amigoabril 11, 2012La madurez es un proceso que combina los cambios fisiológicos, psicológicos y sociales.. Los cambios en la persona producen respuestas emocionales de tristeza , frustración y rebeldía.Los cambios nos afectan mucho porque nos damos cuenta de que ya no actuamos como antes y que en ciertos aspectos como en el caso de la memoria , por ejemplo , nos afecta pensar que ya no funciona de la misma manera que antes. Un ejemplo de cambios fisiológicos,s, se podrían mencionar los cambios en nuestra piel, pelo, cuerpo. etc. Nos cuesta aceptar que el espejo ya no es nuestro mejor amigo y que la forma de “Pera” que por lo general le llega a una persona de cierta edad, está en camino y viene para quedarse.Por otro lado, madurez significa la búsqueda del significado real de la vida . De un modo u otro dejamos que el “Yo” , que tanto nos agobia,, vuele a otro plano, para darle paso a los seres que realmente amamos y a las cosas realmente apreciamos.. Ahora percibimos el mundo com más claridad, los fracasos son como triunfos. y los triunfos como grandes logros. Nuestros temores se han aplacado un poco más y nuestras metas son más claras.El comienzo de la liberación reside cuando sentimos que hemos alcanzado un cierto nivel de madurez tanto física como emocional. La mayoría de la personas consideran que son más felices porque se sienten más maduros al saber conducir y reconocer sus emociones de una manera más eficaz que cuando eran más jóvenes y con menos experiencia.Siempre va a existir ese niño que vive dentro de nosotros. Algunas veces es saludable liberarlo y llevarlo de paseo pero siempre teniendo en cuenta que el adulto es el jefe y que este es el que debe predominar por encima de todo.By: Yilva Kalmanson
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